Taught in English English Teaching Study in China English Medium/English Teaching/English Taught

Course In English Duration Starting Degree Fee Language
fudan Applied Economics (Globalization and Chinese Economy) 2 years September Master ¥50,000 Taught in English
fudan Applied Economics (Globalization and Chinese Economy) 1 year September Non-degree ¥50,000 Taught in English
ecust Applied Economy 3 years September Doctor ¥35,000 Taught in English
xjtlu Applied English 4 years September Bachelor ¥80,000 Taught in English
nottingham Applied Linguistics 1 to 2 year September Master ¥60000-90000 Taught in English
nottingham Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching 1 to 2 year September Master ¥60000-90000 Taught in English
nottingham Applied Linguistics and World Englishes 1 to 2 year September Master ¥60000-90000 Taught in English
csu Applied Mathematics 4 years September Doctor ¥30,000 Taught in English
ccnu Applied Mathematics year September Doctor ¥39000 Taught in English
nwpu Applied Mathematics 2.5 s September Master ¥30000 Taught in English
whu Applied Mathematics 3 years September Doctor ¥45000 Taught in English
ucas Applied Mathematics 2 years Flexible Non-degree ¥31,200 Taught in English
ucas Applied Mathematics 2~3 years Flexible Master ¥30,000 Taught in English
xjtlu Applied Mathematics 4 years September Bachelor ¥80,000 Taught in English
ccnu Applied Mathematics 3 years September Master ¥22000 Taught in English